Commune constellation

What do you think?

What is respect and how does it manifest itself?

What is respect and what are its types? How to recognize disrespect and what to do about it? Why is self-respect and attention to the values of others important? René Descartes said, “The respect of others gives rise to respect for oneself.” And he was right: these two manifestations of respect maintain harmony, which saves us from exhausting conflicts and misunderstandings. Who (or what) else requires respectful treatment?  What if you literally feel someone else’s disrespect? What actions can you take to emphasize the value of another person?


Respect is the ability to consider the boundaries and interests of other people, to see and recognize their dignity, to notice their individuality, to observe the socially acceptable format of communication, to interact without causing moral or physical harm. It is the ability to accept without judgment the actions, behavior, and statements of another person, even if we do not share or understand their motives.

Respect is a constant in the formula of human relationships and one’s own identity. Why respect is so important: It helps to notice and respect the personal boundaries of another person and maintain your own. It serves as a basis for high self-esteem, self-esteem, sense of personal significance, self-efficacy, psychological and mental health. It helps to withstand other people’s condemnation, criticism, and dislike. It gives us the opportunity to show our best qualities: kindness, compassion, and care. What happens if we stop respecting each other? People are not machines, they immediately sense the falsity of ostentatious attention. And playing “respect” doesn’t work for long.  It is impossible to force someone to respect you.

Respect is not bought, not produced by prohibitions, fear, whips, or rewards. It arises when a person notices qualities and dignity in others that he or she considers significant and important, and strives for them.

Author: Olena

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